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Ag Day Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Ag Day Contributor

Contribution Level Requirements:
Company (Under $5,000) | Association/Commodity Groups (Under $2,500)



  • Your company name and logo featured in a special sponsors recognition ad in the April 2024 issue of Agri Marketing magazine

  • Company logo featured on Ag Day website

  • Use of the official Ag Day logo in your publications, advertising and communications

Ag Day Supporter


Contribution Level Requirements:
Company ($5,000) | Association/Commodity Groups ($2,500)

Benefits: (all of the above, plus)​​

  • Prominent signage and other materials with your logo at events held in Washington, D.C.

  • Company logo featured on Ag Day printed materials

Ag Day Champion

Contribution Level Requirements:
Company ($10,000) | Association/Commodity Groups ($5,000)

Benefits: (all of the above, plus)

  • Special tailored press kit to promote your Ag Day sponsorship

  • Mention of your organization in all press releases and media materials 

  • Mention of your organization on social media 

Ag Day Partner

Contribution Level Requirements:
Company ($20,000) | Association/Commodity Groups ($10,000)

Benefits: (all of the above, plus)​​

  • Logo placement on Ag Day home page

  • Partnership in planning events

  • Opportunity to be a guest blogger on the Ag Day Blog 

  • Opportunity to contribute a video to the Virtual Ag Day event.

  • Opportunity to exhibit in the Ag Day tent at Ag on the Mall, May 6-8 in Washington, DC. *

*Stipulations apply

Ag Day Platinum Partner

Contribution Level Requirements:
Company ($30,000+) |  Association/Commodity Groups ($20,000)

Benefits: (all of the above, plus)​​​

  • Opportunity to have a featured panelist or speaker during the Virtual Event.

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